• SECOND LAW The second most important law in the Kingdom is: Love your neighbour as yourself.
  • Sabath - no one works on the saturday. (not even foreigners are allowed to work on saturday.) It is against the law to work on saturday. Only the horeca may be open again on saturday evening. Stores open on saturday could be fined or face forced closure of their store. No company / business is open on the saturday. Only urgency serves stay available. [Police, Ambulance, Firedepartment pharmacy (at the hospital), and road assistance] Hospitals are open to emergencies only, visting hours are closed on saturday.
  • Solicitation is defined as the compensation for goods and services when and where areprohibited. This includes the sale of illegal merchandise and services and inappropriate places, such as the sale of deadly weapons at a grocery store. Or selling sex in public parks.
  • Security Guards has no power or authority to detain citizens, to make arrests, body search or strip some of his clothing or belongings, only the police has this autority. But security guard have the right to ask some to identyfy him/herself.
  • smoking is not allowed in goverment/ public/ hospital/ postoffice/ bank/ health clinincs/ libraries/ musea buildings and in shopping centers/ shops/ bars (that do not have an asigned smoking area) / restaurants/ cinemas. Also smokers pay a higher health insurance by 20%. Tabaco users who use tabaco in the form of chewingtabaco, also pay the higher health insurance, as in the case of smokers.
  • Sans Serif letters are illegal in the use of legal doccuments!
  • Sanctuary City - A murderer, paedophile, terrorist or rapist must flee to a sanctuary city after he has been released from prision. Otherwise family of the victim might still avenge the blood of the victim.
  • Sexual harrasment is illegal and punishable, any boss who sexually harrasses an employee, lif found guilty the offening party will loose his job, pay 1000 (╬) + 1 year labour camp + a criminal record), foreigners performing this act, will get kicked out of the country after have completed their sentence, with no return rights.
  • Spousal abuse, if reported, could lead to the unbinding of the marriage, if the judge desided so. The abusive partner, if foreigner looses his/her citizenship and is deproted. A citizen gets a criminal record.
  • Sexslaves: Anyone selling/buying a human for the purpose of sexslaves, is punished by life long labour camp, without the right of parole [Sexslaves]
  • Sex education; is not to be given by the school system, to children under the age of 15. Dragqueen reading hour, at kindergraden, is illegal and can be fined with a fine of 10.000 (╬) Ofcourse are parents expected to give answers to children, if the children have questions concerning the subject. But this should be done brief and to the point, based on the priciples found in the Holy Bible. Once of age 15, the school will have  sex education classes, in the light of Bible. Alternative life styles will discussed, though not promoted, but shown respect. Afterall a human is a person to be respected and loved, no matter (s)he being hetro, bi, Gay or lesbian. the UN and sex
  • Submission to izlam is not an option ever. The Templar Kingdom is Christian and will always stay christian!
  • sjarieja rule is illegal in the Templar Kingdom and any who promote/use/enforce/practice this subversive rule are brought to trial under treason, and if found guilty could recieve a lifetime prison sentence. (mulitple states) (foreign law illegal)
    • sjarieja rule is forbidden and is treated as treason. It is forbidden since it is contrerary to our Divine law, the law of the land, the law of freedom of speech and the law of freedom of religion. (Australia) It tries to make all other law inferior to it (above the law), and therefore it is a threat to peace and freedom of religion, consecently subject to the punishment of treason. (India) following USA example
    • sjarieja law does not override Templar Law at any time. Templar law is at all times higher then the man made mohamedan law. (daughter 12)
    • sjarieja petroling means immediate expulcion from the country, and loss of passport [sjarieja police]
  • Saracen private school system - is not allowed. All students will have to attend templar kingdom schooling system. No schooling system baced on religion is allowed.
  • Slaves: slave labour is illegal. Anyone having slaves, will be punished with labour camp time. izlam has slaves
  • sexchange: the kingdom does not forbid it, nor supports it. No sexchange actions can be taken before the child has come of legal age (19). (s)he then needs to see a doctor, to see if hormon treatment may be started. All medical treatment (including medication) of sexchange is at the cost of the person who does want to undergo the sexchange treatment, none of it can be deducted from healthcare. The cost of the sexchange in the birthcertificate and ID card or passport cost 200 (╬) sexchange reversal  / regret / hundreds One can get his/her sex changed in birth certificates only after having under gone a full and complete sexchange operation.
  • Self defence does not fall under the murder charge. Innocence still needs to be proven, or the charge might still be upgrated to murder charge. Also, if one is being attacked physicilly, without provocation, a Christian has the right to defend himself and his household from harm. Not only are we to take care of our life. We have an obligation to preserve the life of other Christian people.
  • Separatism is considered treason and is penalized as such.
  • Save money, the paying of security money, save money, or life tax, not to have your business burned down, or not to be killed is a crime and is severely punished. save money This is considered extortion money.
    • jizah (mohamedan enforced tax on Holy Christians) is also illegal and considered extortion. Any demanding this money, can be penalized with slave labour camp for 10 years and expulsion on having completed the sentence.
  • The selling of isis/hamas/al-qeida/boko haram and saudi flags, books, hats or any other related material, means the loss of the store owners selling licence. The store will be closed and fined 1000 (╬). [1]
  • Spanish law that is not in line with any of the templar law, has hereby become invalid. Spanish law that is compatable to any of the templar laws are still upheld and valid in templar court.
  • Sagging pants is something a Christian would not do, however it is not illegal, as long as genetalia or the bud crack can not be seen, otherwise this would come to fall under indecent exposure act for which a fine could be given. However a company or store is allowed to turn away costumers if they have a no sagging pants policy.
  • social services - in order to benefit from goverment social aid/services one can not hold a double passport  or double citizenship, and must submit to random drug testing to be eligible for govermand aid.
  • Shaking hands - In some cultures the shaking of hands is not a custom, hand shaking is not enforced in the kingdom as long as respect is still show in another form, (example bowing or giving a blessing)
  • Stealthing or stealth-breeding, refers to non-consentual sex. The condom is secretly tampered with beforehand, or is secretly removed before or during intercourse. In the Templar Kingdom this practice is equal to rape and receives the same kind of punishment. stealthing
  • Sexting and Sexchatting - Sexting is the sending of naked pictures and or videos or the sending of sexual acts via internet or phone. Sexchatting is the sending of sexual text via internet or phone. The law makes both illegal and punishable if this is done bij an adult send to a minor. (Then it is seen as and act of paedophilia.) It if also a minor misdemenour if it is done by a minors while the other minor did not ask for the text, foto or video.
  • the Swearing into office, is a ritual in which the person takes on his office in any of the branches of goverment. To take on an office as an agent of goverment, one must make a swear, just as a vow or oath. This can only be done with a hand on the bible, no other book is holy enough for this situation.
  • Squatting excrement in public will get you 6 month of social service duty cleaning up excrement.
  • Stockpiling/hoarding food and or other neccesseties, (to such an exccess that one empties storeshelves for oneself and leaves nothing for others) is illegal and can be fined, if discovered. Storeowners who allow clients to empty shelves, can be fined for not stopping this greedy behaviour. It is a vile behaviour and puts a strain on the entire community.
  • Soros is banned from entering our holy nation, if he does try to enter, he will stand trial for war crimes against humanity. Al his assets, funds and proterties, if he has any within the nation, will be seized, frozen and closed. All his organizations with in the kingdom will be seized, frozen and closed.