• FIRST LAW The very first law and most important law in the Templar Kingdom is this: You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.
  • Freedom of speech is garanteed, but hate speech is illegal and punishable, (1000 (╬) + 1 month labour camp time + a criminal record), foreigners performing this act, will get kicked out of the country after have completed their sentence, with no return rights.
  • Freedom of religion is garanteed.
  • Freedom of Press, Freedom is Press movement, Freedom from censorship is garanteed in the Templar Kingdom, However this does not mean they can run any article. The presented information has to be verfied to contain the truth and nothing but the truth. For reporting false or slanderous information, the press can be sued by the injured party. If this happens to often, the agency might loose it's journalistic/press status.
  • Freedom of sexual preferance is garanteed, with same rights for all. (same-sex marriage is granted) sign the petition: sign the petition: (love is not a crime)
  • Free-Trade or Fair-Trade - The Templar Kingdom does not enter with any goverment into a free-trade agreement, but rather supports Fair-Trade agreements.
  • Foreign law - At no time and under no condition, can a foreign law supercede Templar Kingdom law. Templar Kingdom law always comes first.
  • the making of a False banknote with the purpose of using it as legal tender by the person or a third party is punishable by jail time. Both the maker and the one using it will undergo the prescribed sentence. (10.000 (╬) + 1 year labour camp + a criminal record), foreigners performing this act, will get kicked out of the country after have completed their sentence, with no return rights.
  • the making of False identification papers / passport, is punishable with a 5000(╬) fine and foreigners and their family loose their citizenship. 
  • FID DEF (defender of the faith), this title belonges to the head of the Templar Church. The Hand of the King, is also the head of the Templar Church (Fid Def.) But, would the Hand step down from his office as Hand, he will still be Fid Def. untill his death. After his death the title Fid Def. Will return to the (next) ruling Hand of the King.
  • Female genital mutilation is forbidden in the Templar kingdom on the basis of female mutilation laws and anyone involved in female genital mutilation practices is subject to life in prisonment with no parol, if found guilty. [FGM]
  • All citizens have right and excess to free health care.
  • printing/publishing and spreading Hate speech is illegal and punishable. published/printed material will be destroyed plus (1000 (╬) + 1 year labour camp + a criminal record), foreigners performing this act, will get kicked out of the country after have completed their sentence, with no return rights. (this includes reprinting "mein kamf", of hitler, or fasist material of franco.) nazism, fasism material is hatespeech.
  • Fire Arms, the regular citizen does nor have the right to bear fire arms. Any citizen in possecion of a firearms can be found guilty, of a criminal activity.
  • The use, or the purchase of, or possesion of the isis Flag (black flag) in the kingdom is illegal and punishable. black flag
  • Flags (1), goverment buildings can only fly (1 or all 4) of the following 4 flags; the municipal one, the one of the Rittermark, the one of the Principality / Diocese, and the national flag. No other flag is allowed to be flow over a goverment building. They may choose to fly one only flag if they want, but it has to be one of these 4. The Templar kingdom flag (national flag) always flies highest if 4 flags are flown.
  • Flags (2), citizens/forgeiners can only fly the national flag over their house. Companies can only fly the company flag next to the national flag.
  • Flags (3), Embassies can only fly the flag of the nation they represent.
  • Flags (4) standing on the flag or burning the flag or any other act that defiles the holy Templar flag can be fined with a heavy fine (1000 (╬), foreigners who do this, will loose their right to enter the country and those already inside shall be deported immediately.
  • isis flag waving means immediate expulsion from the country and loss of passport
  • Reporting a false rape case can be punished with imprisonment.
  • femisism is illegal in the templar kingdom.
  • Finaincial Aid - the goverment will give financial / social aid to citizens in dire straits, but only after the person in question has used first all of his own resourses including the selling of valuable things like expensive cell phones, flat screen TV and other electronic divices as tablets or jewlery ( the wedding band is excluded)
  • Fake marriages - If one marries just so as to obtain citizenship, the foreigner will be send back to the country of origin (and can't re-enter the country for no less then 10 years) and the citizen doing this wil be fined with no less than 10.000  (╬).
  • Foreign law or international laws never supercedes Templar law. sjari·ja law is treason and any saying it is higher the templar law is considered a traitor and treated as such.
  • Foreign persons or companies, can not own property in the Holy Kindom, they can only lease for 10 year period after which they have to let go of the lease and re-enter the market on the bottom. Giving citizens a chance to bid on the lease and buy it. A Foreigner does not and can not obtain ever, citizenship through the obtaining of property within the kingdom.
citizens don't have the right to bear arms
citizens don't have the right to bear arms