• The penalty for Treason is life long imprisonment in the dungeon, without parol. Break away penalty for treason
  • Terrorism, is dealt with very harshly. Terrorists are never extredited. but tried locally. If found guilty they recieve the death penalty, 24 hours after being found guilty. The Templar Kingdom has adopted Russia's new law, and forces relatives of the terrorist to pay damage fines. relatives of the conficted terrorist, this family is registered (with fingerprint) in the terrorist registry.[pay damages]
    • Groups the Templar Kingdom considers terrorist organizations: al qaeda, al nusra, al zabaab, antifa, arsa, black lives matter, boko haram, cair, daech, hezbolla, hamas, ira, isis, inter-secional feminism, illuminati, youth liberation front, muslim brotherhood, ms-13, new-world-order, open-society-foundations, planned parenthood, plo, taliban, united nations.
  • Torture is a serious crime, the person can not plead temporary insanity and if found guilty minimum penalty 20 year prison, maximum penalty, death.
  • Texting or Tweeting when driving is a crime, all mobile phones in the car should be hands off phones.
    • if no fisical harm has come to another person because of texting or tweeting, the driver will only loose his license for a determened amount by the judge, who make this decision on the severity of the excedent.
    • If bodily harm comes to another person, the charge will de upgraded to assualt, the drives license is permanently lost,
    • If death is the result of the excedent, the charge will be upgraded to 2nd degree murder.
  • Traffic -Trafic in the templar kingdom drives on the left hand side. In Traffic the order of right of way is as follows: police/ambulance/fire brigade have always first right, then special escorted transport (extreem size transport, dangerous materials transport, ambassedorial transport, funeral transport, money transport), then public transport, then all other traffic. Trafic coming off the circle/highway have right of way over the ones trying to get on the circle/highway.
  • Trafic signs - the vandelizing of trafic signs, or the obscuring of trafic signs through the use of stickers is an offence and one doing so can get fined or be held accountable for trafic accedents.
  • Theft is the taking of property or funds through non-violent ways, such as fraud and or stealing.The penalty imposed on theft is to have to pay back in full, the double amount of the thing or money stolen. No matter how small or how high the amount is, of the thing stolen. Foreigners performing this crime, will get kicked out of the country after have completed their sentence, with no return rights.
  • Tax Evasion is defined as the intentional avoidance of paying taxes; it can be charged both on a personal level and on a business level. The most common penalty in this case, is to have to pay the doubble amount of the amount, the person or company evaded.
  • Tax Exemption is granted to citizens who earn less then 120(╬) /month [the beard tax is excluded in this exemption and if some have to pay the beard tax, they have to pay it]
  • Participation in Terrorist groups or actions, will lead to automatic loss of Templar Citizenship. (the person might be called to stand trial for treason on top of terrorist charges.)
  • Trespassing, is defined as entering the owners land or property without their permission, this includes public and private. Trespassing goverment property could be seen as a terrorist act.
  • Treason promoting, is punishable and will de punished as an act of treason.
  • Terrorisim promoting, is punishable shop and will be punished as an act of treason.
  • Taxi drivers / Bus drivers (or their company), may not refuse the transporting of guidedogs of blind people, if they do, the driver will loose their taxi or bus licence, caught doing so. (The company will get severely penalized. A fine of 50.000 (╬) for first offense. ) dog
  • Transgender (bathrooms)- If no "neutral" bathrooms are available (which always have to be single units) a transgender will have to go to the bathroom that is defined by his/her biological / fisical genitals. If a person has a penis (s)he will have to go to a so-called "Male" bathroom (If a person has a vagina (s)he will have to go to a so-called "female" bathroom.) The use of the bathroom is defined by the fisical / Biological genger, not by emotional / personal / sexual acctraction or clothing perfered. WC 
  • Transgender males may compete with other males in any form of sport competition. Transgender males are automaticly disqualified from playing in the female sports competitions on the basis of unequal body strength.
  • Forceing transgender identity on children is illegal in the Templar Kingdom.  A child is naturaly born with a gender, either male or female. To deny this natural gender to the child will give the child a trauma for live. (Child abuse)
  • Travel documents with a third gender are nul and void. One can not enter the country with an invalid travel document (or personal indentification document.)
  • Trigger warnings. The goverment does not put trigger warning labels on books, video or films, there already exist warning labels on videos and movies, and these are sufficient. (see x-rated movies.)
not multiculturallism, but treason
not multiculturallism, but treason